Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Information About The Types Of Eye Infections

There are many different types of eye infections with different causes and treatments. Some eye infections are common while others are rare. However, none should be taken lightly. Preventing Conjunctivitis To prevent infectious conjunctivitis, teach your kids to wash their hands often with warm water and soap. They also should not share eyedrops, tissues, eye makeup, washcloths, towels, or pillowcases with other people. Always maintain proper hygiene and do prevent your child from rubbing their eyes. Preventing the Spread of Pink Eye Infection A child who already has conjunctivitis should wash his or her hands after touching the eyes, since conjunctivitis can easily spread from one eye to the other on contaminated hands or tissues. Be sure to wash your own hands thoroughly after touching your child's eyes, and throw away items like gauze or cotton balls after they've been used. Wash towels and other linens that your child has used in hot water separately from the rest of the family's laundry to avoid contamination. Practice proper hygiene and pink eye can be prevented from spreading to the rest of the family. Preventing Recurring Eye Infections Some people develop recurring episodes of active infection. As mentioned above, these occur if the virus 'reactivates' from time to time - similar to cold sores. At least half of people who have one episode of active infection will have a recurrence within 10 years of the first. In about 1 in 10 cases, the recurrence is within a year. Recurrences occur more often in some people than others. No one knows exactly why this is so, however, statistics has shown a pretty consistent trend in reoccurrences on the elder people. If the recurrences are frequent (say, once a year or more) or severe, then your eye specialist may advise that you take antiviral tablets each day to prevent episodes of active infection. Studies have shown that, on average, the number of recurrences is roughly halved in people who take regular antiviral tablets. So remember to consult your eye doctor if you are prone to eye infections. Some people say that episodes of active herpes infection may be triggered by strong sunlight. Wearing sunglasses may also help to prevent recurrences. This has been proven quite true. Most of us will either have come upon an eye infection or know someone who has had one. People who wear contact lenses often find themselves getting some type of eye infection. This is due to the bacterial buildup from constantly wearing the lenses without proper disinfecting. Eye infections usually require some type of medication for treatment. Although some are not as dangerous, there are some eye infections that require a doctor's immediate attention.
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Home Remedies For Eyes Infection

Simple, effective yet affordable home remedies for the affected eye can soothe and even heal infections. It is strongly advisable to visit an ophthalmologist in serious cases. The remedies provided below are for milder cases of conjunctivitis, sty, keratitis, cellulitis and many others, and can be used for other inflammation or irritation of the eye. Some of the common symptoms of eye infections are soreness of the eyes, itching, flaking, formation of sticky fluid, puffy eyelids, persistent burning and an overall discomfort to the eyes. Some infections are contagious, like conjunctivitis, while others are not. Wash your hands with soap if you touch the eyes; the sticky fluid produced by the eyes must be wiped with a tissue and disposed immediately. Turmeric and Milk Mix 1 tsp of powdered turmeric with 1 tbsp of warm milk. Put this mixture in muslin clothe and drain. Apply the extract to the eyes. Turmeric is an excellent antiseptic and milk has good soothing properties. Ginger and Mint Crush about an inch long ginger. Boil in 150 ml water until the water boils to about half the amount. Cool the resulting concentrate. Pound 4-5 fresh mint leaves, put in muslin clothe and squeeze out the extract. Mix with the ginger concentrate and apply to eyes. Ginger is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Mint is a good cooling agent and is also an antibacterial and anti-microbial. Honey and Yogurt Mix a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of yogurt and apply. Honey has anti-infection properties and is an antiseptic. Curd cools the inflammation. Aloe Vera Natural aloe vera is best known for its many medical benefits. It is a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-microbial! Dab on some natural extracts of an aloe vera plant regularly.
Guava Leaves Boil 3-4 guava leaves in 200 ml water until about one-third of the water remains. Apply 1-2 drops of this concentrate to the infected part using a dropper. Guava leaves have anti-allergic properties. Some more quick remedies 1. Soak a large piece of cotton wool with some chilled carrot juice. This aids in reducing the inflammation and helps soothe the eyes. 2. Apply a generous amount of paste of raw spinach. 3. Soak teabag in hot water for about a minute. Gently squeeze out the tea from the bag and apply to the sty. 4. Cover eyes with paste of cucumber. 5. Coriander seeds can be coarsely grounded boiled and the water applied after cooling. The remedies should be applied at least 3-4 times a day. It is better to cover the eyes with either cotton wool or a slice of cucumber after the application of the remedy. Avoid touching the affected eyes unless it is to apply the remedies. Wearing sun glasses when going out will protect the eyes from dust and other impurities. Since those with contact lenses are more susceptible to these infections, it is advisable that the lenses are washed and maintained daily as per the instructions. Neglecting to follow this result in bacterial growth on the lenses will eventually infect the eyes.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Herbal Medicines For Eye Problems

Severe problems with eyes should always be referred to a specialist, but alternative therapies can support orthodox treatment and may be very useful in conditions that affect the eyelids and tear glands. When treating infections and inflammations of the eyes, wash your hands between treating each eye, and use fresh materials so that you do not transfer infection from eye to eye.


Conjunctivitis symptoms are red, itchy eyes; a yellow discharge; and inflammation around the eye or eyelid. It is normally caused by infection or allergy and is not serious except in newborn babies.


Herbal Medicine Herbal eye baths made from infusions of eyebright (euphrasia), chickweed, elderflower, or camomile flowers are a soothing, effective treatment.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy A homeopath may prescribe Argentum nit. 6c for "gritty eyes" or Pulsatilla 6c for itchy eyes with a discharge.

Eyesight Problems

Hazy vision, difficulty in reading, tired eyes, headaches are all types of eyesight problems. They may be the result of vision problems, high blood pressure, and eyestrain, among other factors.


Yoga Candle gazing is a beneficial yoga exercise for eyestrain. Sit comfortably and gaze at a candle about 3ft/1m away, without blinking, for ten seconds. Palm for 30 seconds, then resume gazing with one eye only then the other, then together, turning the head Gradually increase the time (20 then 30 seconds) over several weeks.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Homeopathy Specifie remedies to be taken for eyestrain include: Arnica, when the muscles, are tired; Natrum mur., when eyes ache upon looking lip down or around; Ruta grav., when the eyes burn or feel strained after close work or reading; Phosphorus, tired eyes are associated with great nervousness and apprehension.

The Bates Method This is designed to strengthen the eye muscles and rectify vision problems as a natural alternative to wearing glasses.


Cataracts cause cloudy, distorted vision resulting from, changes in the protein makeup of the lens. They are most common in old age, but may be caused by iritis, babies are born with cataracts.


Diet And Nutrition Research suggests that vitamins B2 and C can help improve the condition in which sight deteriorates as the lens becomes opaque. Supplementing with vitamin E and the antioxidant mineral selenium can help rectify dietary deficiencies that can exacerbate the condition.

Homeopathy Specific remedies include Phosphorus, when there is a sensation of mist being pulled across the eyes; Calcarea, for the early stages, with circular lines visible in the lens; Silica, for the later stages, when cataract begins to interfere with sight.


Gradual loss of vision, aching pain in and above the eyes, seeing "rings" around lights are the symptoms of glaucoma. The disease is caused by a buildup of fluid in the front chamber of the eye. Glaucoma may be asymptomatic and vision may be lost before the sufferer is aware of the disease. If there is a family history of glaucoma, ensure regular screening by an optician.


Hydrotherapy Home hydrotherapy treatment offers immediate relid - place alternate hot and cold face towels over the eyes.

The Bates Method These exercises can also be used to treat this condition.

Homeopathy Take Belladonna 30c every 15 minutes for up to ten doses when symptoms start.


Squint is the inward or outward turning of the eye or eyes. In adults, squint is normally caused by damage to the eye muscles or the motor nerves that control the eye muscles, usually the result of diabetes, high blood pressure, brain tumor, or brain injury. In children, squint should be treated before the affected eye becomes lazy and ineffective.


The Bates Method Minor squints can be successfully treated with the Bates Method.

Yoga Palming relaxes the eye muscles and improves squints. Rest with your arms on a table and rub your hands together. Cup hands over closed eyes, shutting out all light, and relax for 20 seconds while being aware of visual sensations. Repeat at least twice a day.
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Effective Home Remedies For Eyes Infection

Simple, effective yet affordable home remedies for the affected eye can soothe and even heal infections. It is strongly advisable to visit an ophthalmologist in serious cases. The remedies provided below are for milder cases of conjunctivitis, sty, keratitis, cellulitis and many others, and can be used for other inflammation or irritation of the eye.

Some of the common symptoms of eye infections are soreness of the eyes, itching, flaking, formation of sticky fluid, puffy eyelids, persistent burning and an overall discomfort to the eyes. Some infections are contagious, like conjunctivitis, while others are not. Wash your hands with soap if you touch the eyes; the sticky fluid produced by the eyes must be wiped with a tissue and disposed immediately.

Turmeric and Milk

Mix 1 tsp of powdered turmeric with 1 tbsp of warm milk. Put this mixture in muslin clothe and drain. Apply the extract to the eyes. Turmeric is an excellent antiseptic and milk has good soothing properties.

Ginger and Mint

Crush about an inch long ginger. Boil in 150 ml water until the water boils to about half the amount. Cool the resulting concentrate. Pound 4-5 fresh mint leaves, put in muslin clothe and squeeze out the extract. Mix with the ginger concentrate and apply to eyes. Ginger is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Mint is a good cooling agent and is also an antibacterial and anti-microbial.

Honey and Yogurt

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of yogurt and apply. Honey has anti-infection properties and is an antiseptic. Curd cools the inflammation.

Aloe Vera

Natural aloe vera is best known for its many medical benefits. It is a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-microbial! Dab on some natural extracts of an aloe vera plant regularly.

Guava Leaves

Boil 3-4 guava leaves in 200 ml water until about one-third of the water remains. Apply 1-2 drops of this concentrate to the infected part using a dropper. Guava leaves have anti-allergic properties.

Some more quick remedies

1. Soak a large piece of cotton wool with some chilled carrot juice. This aids in reducing the inflammation and helps soothe the eyes.

2. Apply a generous amount of paste of raw spinach.

3. Soak teabag in hot water for about a minute. Gently squeeze out the tea from the bag and apply to the sty.

4. Cover eyes with paste of cucumber.

5. Coriander seeds can be coarsely grounded boiled and the water applied after cooling.

The remedies should be applied at least 3-4 times a day. It is better to cover the eyes with either cotton wool or a slice of cucumber after the application of the remedy. Avoid touching the affected eyes unless it is to apply the remedies. Wearing sun glasses when going out will protect the eyes from dust and other impurities. Since those with contact lenses are more susceptible to these infections, it is advisable that the lenses are washed and maintained daily as per the instructions. Neglecting to follow this result in bacterial growth on the lenses will eventually infect the eyes.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to Relieve Eye Infection Fast at Home With Natural Methods

When you suffer from eye infections, the first thing you should do is to use effective methods to treat it as soon as possible. The sooner actions are taken, the faster it will be relieved. Leaving it along will only make things worse. I am going to share some killer tips to treat infected eyes at home so that you can keep it into control without worsening.

Whenever you have swollen eyes, eye redness and pain with sticky crust, you should take the following DIY methods to treat your eyes immediately. And keep your hands clean by washing them frequently and carefully with soap frequently. Don't touch your eyes with hands, either. The first eye infection treatment is cleaning. Use a cotton swab dipped into distilled water to clean your eyes carefully.

Make sure that you don't use the same swab for both eyes. Do it every hour preferably. This will alleviate the symptoms such as inflammation and pain. The second infection treatment for eyes is cold compress. Wrap ice cubes with a clean cloth and put it on your eyes. Another way is to dip a clean cloth into cold water and compress it onto the eyes.

Don't press the cold cloth on the eyes for a long time because the eyes and the skin around them can be damaged by the coldness. You can take it away after seconds, take a break of seconds and then compress it on the eyes again. The third treatment is herbal therapy. Tea bags can alleviate inflammation and get the muscles around the eyes relaxed. Immerse a tea bag into hot water for minutes and put it onto the closed eyes.

Irritation and inflammation in the eyes can also be reduced immediately by washing the eyes with aloe vera gel. Rip the plant leaf vertically and drop the gel into the eyes. These eye infection treatments can effectively relieve the symptoms within one or two days. If the symptoms continue or even get worse after that period of time, you should seek medical care from the doctor.
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Eye infection , Eye pain , Eye , Eye doctor , Eye swelling 2012